HAU 1: April 19- 20, 7.30 pm

»Outras Formas« (Other Forms) /
»Como?« (How?) - Lecture


European Premier
talk with the audience: April 20, after the performance

In 1956 Richard Hamilton demanded that art be »popular, transient, expendable, low-cost, mass-produced, young, witty, sexy, gimmicky, glamorous, and Big Business« and referred to consumer society as his main source of artistic inspiration.

In »Outras Formas«, Pop Art, which draws its energy from the mass-reproduced images of communication media, comes up against the most original expression of Brazilian popular culture.

The dancer Ângelo Madureira, director and choreographer of the Balé Popular in Recife, and Ana Catarina Vieira, classical dancer for the Compagnie Cisne Negro, suggest this bold hybrid.

In the piece, the duo draw parallels to the work of Hamilton and develop other forms for »popular dance«, in the process allowing the collage to become the method.

directors, idea, choreography, scientific research, soundtrack, dance: Ângelo Madureira, Ana Catarina Vieira
light design: Juliana Augusta Vieira
costumes: Gustavo Silvestre
soundtrack: Felipe Klawa
the spoken text is by Mestre Nascimento do Passo, taken from the book “popular dances as a public event in Recife, 1970 to 1988” by Maria Goretti Rocha de Oliveira
voices: Ângelo Madureira - Portuguese, Ana Catarina Vieira – English
producer: Ana Catarina Vieira
sponsorship for 2007: Gisela Moreau/ Sala Crisantempo

Press / Foto

Ângelo Madureira began training as a dancer at the age of three with his artistic family and other artists of the “Arte Popular”. He was a soloist at Balé Popular do Recife for seven years, toured throughout Brazil, the USA, France Holland, Belgium, Canada and other countries. Since 1995, he is director and choreographer of the Balé Popular do Recife.

In 2000, Ângelo Madureira and Ana Catarina Vieira began their collaborative research project on the dialog between classical and popular styles. Ana has a classical dance background and Ângelo was trained by the Balé Popular do Recife. Over the seven years of their collaboration, they have been awarded numerous prizes: i.e. the FUNARTE Petrobras 2005, the touring prize Circulação FUNARTE Petrobras 2006, the Rumos Itaú Cultural and others.

In “Outras Formas” (Other Forms), they present the results of the second stage of their research into the expressive possibilities of dance. The result is a mix of popular and classical dance elements. The fusion of low culture and high culture opens up new perspectives on Brazilian culture.

„Angelo Madureira and Ana Catarina Vieira (...) have developed a form canon of dance expression, which they not only use as a teaching method but also as a source for choreographic material that carries in it a social message. The central theme of their work is developed out of their understanding of how a tourist perceives Brazil. Their message reveals their dislike of a form of colonialistic tourism observable in Brazil even today.”
Holly Cavrel in Dance Magazine, New York, April 2006.

"An explosive twosome, giving the northeastern traditions a new face and contemporary clothes.”
Karla Dunder in the magazine APCA, São Paulo, March 2004.